Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kids say the darnest things

I love kids. Apart from the times they get really cranky and annoying, they are such precious gems! I love their innocence and sometimes the things they say really crack you up with them being plain oblivious to the meaning behind it all.

Anyway, my aunt, uncle, cousin and his family along with my family were out for dinner. While waiting for the food to be served I was 'entertaining' my little 3 year old niece. She's such a cutie. So I was casually asking her what she wanted to do after dinner, and if she wanted to come over to my house to play. She excitedly replied:

'Let's go baby, let's go!'

Errrrrr....hello? Who you calling baby? Honestly at that point in time I was kinda shocked, but her response totally cracked the entire table and especially me up into laughter!

Adorable indeed. Kids sometimes do say the darnest things!

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